A new study was published
in BMJ online this week (1) about the impact of work hour
reform. The authors, Dr. Chaiyachati and colleagues performed a time-motion
observation of internal medicine residents at six residency programs that were
a part of the iCompare group (Comparative Effectiveness of Models Optimizing Patient
Safety and Resident Education).
Eighty interns were
observed by 23 trained observers. They began recording the residents’
activities as soon as they arrived at the hospital. They stopped collecting
data when the intern finished their shift. The residents’ time was divided into
activities and coded into seven major categories (4 Required: Education, Rounds,
Work, & Handoffs AND 3 Other Applicable: Direct Patient Care, Indirect
Patient Care, & Miscellaneous). Residents were observed between May 10,
2016 and May 31, 2016 for 94 weekday shifts and a total of 2173 hours.
The authors found that
residents worked a mean of 10.5 hours per shift (9.6 to 12.5 hours). Overnight call shifts were 20.9 hours long
(16.7 to 26.7 hours). Indirect patient care was the most frequently observed
activity across all 6-hour time periods in the day. Direct and Indirect patient
care was often seen in multitasking. More than half of the time recorded by the
observers included residents multitasking other activities with indirect
patient care. More than 10 hours of a 24 hour period was spent interacting with
the electronic medical record.
At AMEE 2019 in Vienna, I
went to a session in the Postgraduate Training (Residency) tract. The session was led by Dr David Gachoud and
colleagues at the Lausanne University Hospital in Lausanne Switzerland (2). His
team had originally used the time and motion study technique in 2015 to evaluate Internal Medicine
residents’ time usage. One of their findings was
that residents switched tasks on average 15 times per minute. One outcome of
this study was to work with their residents to improve the schedule,
specifically to increase the amount of time that was available to prepare for
morning rounds by delaying the start of rounds by one hour every morning. They also hired some new secretarial staff to
relieve the administrative burden of the residents.
In this study, they
recorded 63 day shifts between May and July 2018. What they found was a little surprising: ward
rounding duration was decreased by 25 minutes and time allocated to direct
patient contact went down by 18 minutes.
The percentage of rounding time remained at about 50 percent between the
two studies (2015 to 2018).
So, two really interesting
studies of time and motion in internal medicine residency programs. This seems to be a time-intensive but really
useful method to look at work hours. And more importantly the actual work that
is being done by residents during their shifts.
Jena AB,
Newhouse RL, Farid M, Blumenthal D, Bhattacharya J. Association of residency
work hour reform with long term quality and costs of care of US physicians:
observational study. BMJ 2019; 366:
14134 (Published online 10 July 2019)
Gachoud D,
Monti M, Marques-Vidal P, Kraege V, Aebischer O, Garnier A. Impact of Increased
Preparation Time for Residents Before Ward Rounds: The MED2DAY study. AMEE
2019 Short Communications #4R4. August
26, 2019 Vienna Austria.