
This blog is about medical education in the US and around the world. My interest is in education research and the process of medical education.

The lawyers have asked that I add a disclaimer that makes it clear that these are my personal opinions and do not represent any position of any University that I am affiliated with including the American University of the Caribbean, the University of Kansas, the KU School of Medicine, Florida International University, or the FIU School of Medicine. Nor does any of this represent any position of the Northeast Georgia Medical Center or Northeast Georgia Health System.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The beginning...

Why should I write a blog?

My wife said: "what are you going to give up if you start writing a blog?"
Hmmm, good question.
(The answer was nothing)

My chair said: "John, I would read it." 
Now, that is high praise coming from Joshua Freeman, MD.  Josh writes a fascinating blog on the state of the US healthcare system (or lack there of) called Medicine and Social Justice.

Others said, who would care what you have to say?
My answer is maybe nobody.
But I hope that there are others out there that are interested in medical education. If so, maybe this blog will be of value to them.

If nothing else, I get to say my piece. And isn't that the point of a blog, after all?